Integrated Medbox & Computing

The SHS-3255-A is a 3 tier wall mounted computer and medication workstation. Designed for in-room use, to allow medical record entry, patient interaction and medication to merge seamlessly.
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STS-4540-CPU/MED is a dual purpose cabinet for hospitals and healthcare facilities, the right side is a fully functional computing station, with a standard articulating arm.
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The SHS-3254-FD-A is a 3 tier wall mounted computer and medication workstation. Designed for in-room use, to allow medical record entry, patient interaction and medication to merge seamlessly.
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The STS-2852-FD-A is a computer wall mounted workstation designed for hallways. Main compartment has a fold-down door built on the industry’s strongest door hinge, rated to 405lbs.
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The STS-3052-OPF is an open faced hospital computer workstation. Designed to speed up productivity with ease of access utilizing a small fold down door and open faced monitor.
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The SHS-3246-OPF is an open faced hospital computer workstation. Design to speed up productivity with ease of access, small fold down door opens and activates monitor.
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The STS-2854-HWY is a computer wall mounted workstation designed for hallways. Main compartment has a fold down door built on the industry’s strongest door hinge, rated to 405lbs.
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The RRC-2949-OPF is an open faced hospital computer workstation. Design to speed up productivity with ease of access, small fold down door opens and activates monitor.
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The STS-2854-SW: Swing out series, work station pivots 90 ° to allow user to face patient during data input. This work station is built with either left or right hand swing.
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The STS-3248-FD-HTA-A is a Wall mounted computer workstation with articulating arm and folding door. The door is mounted on the industry’s strongest door chassis, rated to 405 lb payload.
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Made using high pressure laminate, able to withstand all chemical cleaning solutions to ensure a sterile environment. Exceeds all continuous use applications.
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