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Precision Medical Cabinetry

Thank you for your interest in our company. Complete the form below to send us an email, or simply give us a call. We're looking forward to working with you.

  • Harbor Springs, MI 49740
  • 888-228-0932

    Integrated Medbox & Computing


    The SHS-3255-A is a 3 tier wall mounted computer and medication workstation. Designed for in-room use, to allow medical record entry, patient interaction and medication to merge seamlessly.

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    STS-4540-CPU/MED is a dual purpose cabinet for hospitals and healthcare facilities, the right side is a fully functional computing station, with a standard articulating arm.

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    The SHS-3254-FD-A is a 3 tier wall mounted computer and medication workstation. Designed for in-room use, to allow medical record entry, patient interaction and medication to merge seamlessly.

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    The STS-2852-FD-A is a computer wall mounted workstation designed for hallways. Main compartment has a fold-down door built on the industry’s strongest door hinge, rated to 405lbs.

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    The STS-3052-OPF is an open faced hospital computer workstation. Designed to speed up productivity with ease of access utilizing a small fold down door and open faced monitor.

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    The SHS-3246-OPF is an open faced hospital computer workstation. Design to speed up productivity with ease of access, small fold down door opens and activates monitor.

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    The STS-2854-HWY is a computer wall mounted workstation designed for hallways. Main compartment has a fold down door built on the industry’s strongest door hinge, rated to 405lbs.

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    The RRC-2949-OPF is an open faced hospital computer workstation. Design to speed up productivity with ease of access, small fold down door opens and activates monitor.

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    The STS-2854-SW: Swing out series, work station pivots 90 ° to allow user to face patient during data input. This work station is built with either left or right hand swing.

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    The STS-3248-FD-HTA-A is a Wall mounted computer workstation with articulating arm and folding door. The door is mounted on the industry’s strongest door chassis, rated to 405 lb payload.

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    Made using high pressure laminate, able to withstand all chemical cleaning solutions to ensure a sterile environment. Exceeds all continuous use applications.

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    Strongest in the Industry

    Our fold down door is at least 50% stronger than our competitors, being able to withstand 405lbs makes our doors the strongest in the industry. Propriety to Precision Medical Cabinetry.

    Contact Information

    Please use the following form to send us a message. We can also be reached by phone at 888-228-0932. We look forward to hearing from you.

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